Thursday, May 14, 2009


Good morning.

Sorry for the delay in this briefing there have been a few new developments in the investigations of the murder of Sheri Coleman and her two sons Garett and Gavin. This is an ongoing investigation and it has been turned over to the Joint Task Force being set up by Colonel Thaantu Beobrai and Ling do'Gel in its capacity as Secundat for Operations [Terra] at the Directat Javeth Nathux. The Laal Hethri is still the lead investigatory agency in this case until further notice. For the benefit of Ms Coleman and her children and the interests of the Living on terra who are grieving no details of the crime scene will be given to the Hellac press at this time.

Sheri sends her thanks for all the people who have made her arrival here as virtually painless as possible. She also extends her deep gratitude to the crew of Rescue Boat 26 of the Flotilla and the divers serving therein for rescuing her two boys and bringing them personally to her at the quayside. Petty Officers 3rd Class William Blaine and Deidre Baxter are both valuable assets to the Flotilla and acted in the honorable manner which is the hallmark of the Hellac Naval Service. Both have been submitted by their commanding officer for Golod Sould Saving Medals. The Laal Hethri also is pursuing offering its own decoration to Blaine and Baxter over the weekend as both divers have been extended an invitation to dine with the Director on Saturday afternoon during his visit to Serratoth Custom House at the home of Serratoth Field Office head Lieutenant General Caefal Nyroto Szing.

This statement is to inform you that the Laal Hethri is naming Chris Coleman as a suspect in the murder of his two sons and wife and are pursuing further evidence for crimes against his Soul committed in the time frame between 28 February 2008 and 6 May 2009. That's all I have for right now there will be another briefing a more punctual one I promise between 12h and 13h today.

Di lojti strixiûç!

Colonel Shuvra Qoboros Melmikan, O.B.R.E., O.Q.H. [Tort.], D.S.V.J.
Public Affairs Officer
Special Branch
6th Urine Dowsing Division
Butcher's Garden
134 Ho'vish 2 AS

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