Monday, March 23, 2009


Every year on Terra at around this time the killing in American schools begins. Right now, as We manipulate 1s and 0s to form these characters a child somewhere in the United States is plotting revenge in the form of bloody violence against his or her class mates and teachers. Whether these acts of desperation and rage are carried out is up to the adults involved or disinvolved as the case may be.

The Laal Hethri realizes in these current times of economic malaise and stress that many parents are not paying the necessary attention to their children. Have they become withdrawn? Is you middle school aged child changing in some subtle way? Has there been a lightening of their mood in the last few weeks? All of these changes could mean your kid is preparing to attack his or her school. Or they may mean nothing at all. The point We make is that it is your job first and foremost as a parent to cut through the fog of your own materialistic bullshit and take stock of the life you brought forth.

Find out about the bullying. Ask questions about what goes on in your kid's life. They may or may not answer you in great detail but knowing that you care does matter. Children are not trophies for woman and men to display for their friends at church or at work as symbols of their success on Terra. Children are future adults that have a complex minefield of cliques and relationships to negotiate before flying their nests and becoming adults. That road is difficult and littered with obstacles both living, self created and imagined.

Take the time over the next month to involve yourselves in your kid's life. Take the time that We hope will save the young lives of many others. Teach your high school sports star that his physical abilities could be taken from them in the blink of an eye through alcohol abuse or drunk driving. Teach them also that teasing or tormenting their lesser skilled classmates could cost them their lives. The Laal Hethri as well as the Imperial Judiciary of Hell wants this to be a Spring Without Killing in the schools and colleges in the United States. Let's all work together to help this effort forward. Hell will do it's part to end the bloodshed we hope you as Human parents will do yours.

This has been a public service message from the Laal Hethri, the Imperial Judiciary of Hell and the Hellac Advertising Council.

[This article is cross posted at The Dis Brimstone-Daily Pitchfork—Gavlae Reudo Maxric, Copy Editor]

Knight Slayer of Shai' tan
الافتتاحية من الفتاحات
Majordomo of Hell and Terra
Order of the Black Rose of the Empire
Ayatollah of Rham and its Shadow
Fair Judge Executioner of Souls
Quarterer's Order of the Descending Aorta, 1st Class, with diamonds, mesentery and lymph nodes
Lord Gaoler of Dis
Womb of Empires
先生 立石 上様
Fifth Sea Lord of Hell
Chair, Hellac Consumer Products Safety Commission
Oracle of Elections
Chair, Hellac Commission on Sentient Being Rights
Lord High Justice of the Court of Acts & Merits
Knight Commander of the Hellac Gordian Knot of Silver
Keeper of the Keys of all the Gates of Hell
Qadi of Hades
Chamberlain Imperial of the Necropontiff
Order of the Quartz Heart (Eng.)
Count-Palatine of Sheol
Marquis di Gehenna
Emperor Consort
White Rod
President Pro tempore Bax Culdnu
82 Ho'vish 2 AS

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